My virtual sketchbook from University
Full Prototype here:
Kristina and I, prototyped this App as an example of an App that may be created in the future as a result of NHS staff shortages. Therefore, by having this App we are encouraging those abroad to apply with our App which would make the process easier in terms of applying for a job and visa. In creating this App, we followed the NHS branding guidelines of how to use their logo and the colours we may use as we felt that these guidelines wouldn’t change anytime soon. By having the guidelines on hand we started to create our App break down the process of the application with the persona in mind of a person in a medical field looking for a job in the UK. Our storyline was a person living in the EU would be interested in applying for a job in the NHS and go on to download our App. They will begin by agreeing to the terms and
conditions. They begin by agreeing to the terms and conditions and fill out the required information for their application. Once submitted, the waiting game would begin and a notification appears once the application has been checked and show on the screen whether or not the user’s application has been approved. If so, they are directed to the menu screen and see that their ID would appear just like their issued badge on the top corner and the menu would be divided into sections in the order of importance starting with visa progress followed by jobs, tests, an FAQ and videos/articles on Life in the UK, helping the user especially when arriving to the UK an adapting to the customs to reduce the feeling of a culture shock.