Digital currency #3
When comparing cryptocurrencies to each other, the majority of them are the same just with another name and design, racing for the most verified and quickest transactions have the most hypothetical future value, using the intended principles of cryptocurrency such as anonymity, security and belief opposing the system for market- “A digital form with similar properties to a physical currency” for marketing purposes as well as businesses creating their own blockchains creating a centralised system for a system that was meant to be decentralised and transparent, only to be created for the intentions of greed. Resorting me to focus this project on how money works in the real world shaping our financial markets and impacting our economy. Once learning how the system works, I realised how naive I was to the system and discussed it with others about how money works and blockchain it led me to a friend telling me “that if [I] can’t use my knowledge I should teach it”. I was thinking of alternatives of blockchain and found out about tangle system a concept by IOTA which uses the power of work rather than the power of stake to verify transactions that the original blockchain uses. Where the system is faster and involves no mining and the system becomes more efficient as more people use the system. However, designing a new cryptocurrency was not my intention again and returned to create a game. I found it very difficult to design something that taught the system but decided to create a game. I had to use a game that people were familiar with so when mentioning how the system works they understand how the game works better. Below is my long list of links of research: