Animation and coding project #6
In coming up with the name I was brainstorming ideas. I wanted a name that would convey the features of the App such as music, map and the alternative way of messaging. There were three names I was drawn to walk to music, Geotunes and Mello. Walk to music clearly stated how the App is used but found it a very wordy so I decided to go for a shorter name. So, I came up with Geotunes which combined the two word Geographical and tunes. But, I realised using the word tunes was very out of date, the younger generation doesn’t say tunes these days. Therefore, I resorted to Mello a name that combines the words music and hello. It sounds friendly, approachable and easy to say. Once deciding on a name I moved on to sketching logo ideas and developed a couple ideas as seen below.
This pink logo was originally made with just the music note by B Farias from noun project. However, I thought by using a bright, bold colour it would draw the person’s eye more but also with the grid underneath would show the App’s purpose. But, I found it too simple so I wanted to try doing something more creative as seen on the right-hand side. Plus, I didn’t use an App background.
The black design above is very minimalistic and displays the geotagging music aspect of the App. However, I felt as though the font used was very simple and formal, which doesn’t highlight the fun aspect of the App. I think the only reason why i chose the font was because the thickness of the line was the same as the part connecting the logo. Not only this, but in doing research of other App logos I realised how complicated my design looked in comparison to others. This would not be very pleasing to the eye so I had to come up with something simpler and more creative. This is where I became inspired by Vladislav Smolkin, a logoartist I found on Instagram – His designs are very simple yet so creative as shown below.
These four designs shown above are ones I took most inspiration from because he was able to combine the word with what supposedly the first thing people would imagine in relation to that word and he has done this so effortlessly.
Behind inspired by his work I used a similar typeface to what he had used in his work and tried combining walking and music to my design. This was done by turning the two L’s into music notation but also by having them look legs -shown by the design of the trousers and shoes. This conveys the message of walking to music which is further presented by the use of colour in the gradient background the blue (almost turquoise) highlights refreshing sense of energy and the red showing the vibe of the workout and surprise factor of receiving a song. But, the actual design is white as it looks bold and stand out in front of the background.