Senior Product designer in London

My virtual sketchbook

My virtual sketchbook from University

Animation and coding project #5


For the second part of the project, we had to design and build an interactive web-based interface that would respond to a specific building or urban location. I decided to work alone for personal growth, by seeing how I can improve my design ability as well as technical ability. Also, I decided to take the project with a conceptual approach rather than using a physical building. In coming up with my idea I was inspired by love letters. People would write those love letters and place the letter where they know the person who would receive it see it. For example, a student would leave a love letter in the recipient’s locker. Now using that concept, I wanted to create an App where someone would rather than sending a message to send a song instead for the recipient to hear it in a particular location. An example of a scenario would be a person going for a job interview, the interviewee would receive a notification that their friend has sent them a song at the location of where their interview is. If they accept, the App would open maps leading them the way to the location and remind them to wear their earphones (otherwise it would be an embarrassing situation ) as they are approaching the building the music that has been getting louder and this gives them ease before the interview.

Below are sketches of how the App would look like:

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I refined my idea by showing in the sketches what the person sending the song would be seeing and the receiver would be seeing. When the user opens the App a message asking them to request access to their contacts would appear. once the user has accepted their contacts list would show and they can select who they would like to send the song to. After selecting the contact they can select a song then pick a location. The receiver would get a notification that whoever has sent them a song and they have the choice of accepting the trip or not. If they do a map would open pinpointing the location and as they approach the location they would get a notification to place in their earphones and open the app to see a 3D character dancing to the music.

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