Senior Product designer in London

My virtual sketchbook

My virtual sketchbook from University

Tipitap #5 Design research


Throughout the group feedback, when discussing possible ideas and how to execute them I realised that I have taken a lot of inspiration in the past from big tech platforms but not artists as such so I looked at the works of Ted Hunt, Lender Herzog, Rafaël Rozendaal. I could see myself as a designer like them in the sense of how they approached their projects which was having understanding of other disciplines but presenting them creatively. Even though their work was minimal it was very transparent which is what I wanted to do with my project.

Ted Hunt developed a project called Socratic Search, a speculative search engine tool that mimicked the google style but made a different way for the user to search. Once I choose a social media platform, then I could redesign it to support the brief’s purpose.

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Lender Herzog created two projects that were an abstract outlook on how information could be generated from social media. The one on the left is called Zebra and Stream on the other. This might encourage me to take an abstract approach to presenting a social media layout but the details of the manipulative tactics used would be difficult to disclose.

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Rafaël Rozendaal created a browser extension project called abstract browsing which outlines your browser’s layout. I like how his project vibrantly reveals transparency.

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I like the approach taken by those artists to take something that already exists and make it theirs that something could inspire me for my project.