My virtual sketchbook from University
Due to having a mind block for some time I decided to collaborate with Tyler. We were just talking and were bouncing ideas off each other and came across the Codepen example below. We were thinking that it would be more interesting if we to create a physical version of this but also to make a few changes. Such as, displaying AM and PM instead of O’clock but also with the idea in mind that the colour of the text would change depending on whether it’s AM or PM.
[codepen_embed height=”418″ theme_id=”0″ slug_hash=”BQbzoQ” default_tab=”css,result” user=”chrisdothtml”]See the Pen Time in Words by Chris Deacy (@chrisdothtml) on CodePen.[/codepen_embed]
Tyler created a mock up on illustrator (this is presented below) and how it would look at a particular time.
We found this link: to creating the physical clock.
Once we spoke to the lecturers about our idea we knew that we could not proceed due to two factors. The idea was not ours so it was un original and that we would finish the project very soon.