My virtual sketchbook from University
For this weeks project we were told to create robots using an Arduino to draw something onto a piece of paper.
In order to create the robot, we had to follow a set of instructions that only had images of the robot, no description of how to build the actual robot. Therefore, we had to figure out ourselves where to start off from. We started off by screwing the two acrylic layers on top of each other. Followed by attaching the wheels (which were not the right size for the motors )and used a screw driver to alter the hole so it could fit the motor. Then, finished off by taping the Arduino onto the robot.
The picture below shows the way we were supposed to arrange the wiring of the Arduino. When having to do this the wires had to be cut with a wirecutter because the ends of the wires had to be exposed without the insulating material, and this tool allowed an easier way to cut a bit of the insulating material at the ends. Once, the Arduino was setup we plugged it into our computers so it could follow the code that we programmed but once it recognised this we were able to run it with a portable charger.
(The pictures were taken by myself but the image right above was a diagram provided by our lecturer edited)