Senior Product designer in London

My virtual sketchbook

My virtual sketchbook from University

CTS - Gender: understanding change


For this term, our class was assigned to groups to explore different topics such as nationality, religion, age, class, gender and ethnicity. My group (who were Justas Bendaravicius, Vishal Mayo and Eve Rae) were assigned the topic of gender. For our first presentation, we had to talk about understanding change in creative industries and in the general population of the UK as a whole. Using the resources that we provided we referenced them into our presentation and analysed them. In the link below, you would see what presented as well as the activity that we provided which required groups to match statements that mentioned historical events to do with gender to the dates that they thought that it had occurred. The shade of the statement was a hint to which order they should be in, going from dark to light.


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The presentation overall was based on women and making people aware of the statistics to do with women in the workplace. As a result of choosing the gender, our activity also was on feminism.

Personally, I would say that from doing our first presentation we learnt a lot in terms of interacting with an audience and how to organise ourselves as a team. The first mistake was that we hadn’t organised who was going to speak when so creating some confusion at the beginning. Not only this but as someone who is not the most confident speaking to an audience I tried avoiding this situation. However, this just contradicted the point we were making in the presentation about gender equality. As I was the only female presenting. Furthermore, throughout the presentation, we were reading only from the board so we were told that of as next time to not do this the whole time. As this has a negative effect on the audience making them less interested in the presentation. Not only this but we learnt also that when setting an activity you have to have an idea of the duration of it as well as interact for the same time with each group and provide the same hints.


CTSCTS, Gender