My virtual sketchbook from University
Having noticed the issue of people’s inclusiveness in datasets I started research projects that tackled the myth of race. Below is a project called the crayon project by R / GA. This initiative was with a company called Shiseido that sought to promote children’s disparity in Japanese schools. A scientist would scan the child’s skin colour and would create a personalised crayon for them to draw a self-portrait. I liked their approach to promoting diversity and making kids feel special and I want to translate that experience into my project.
Angelica Dass, a photographer has begun a project called Humane to tackle the race myth. In a series of images she showed people of all races, ages and conditions with a Pantone hue that was tailored to their skin colour. In addition to her photography series, she intends to do the same thing as the crayon project which she provides for them to draw a self-portrait with a variety of skin colour pencils.
From these projects, I realised that there is probably a reason why they are targeting their projects for children, probably because they are more influential so that they listen and accept the difference and become more acceptable to other races. This is probably the target audience that I should cater for but also create an immersive experience of self-portrait drawing.