Final major project#9 Developing on Unity
I transferred the design onto Unity to see how I could make the 3D model interactive and test different textures on the tobe. Here is a link to the XD file:
As I was designing the interface, I would make changes to the 3D model and ask people on their thoughts of the design. I had to remodel three times before getting it right because I was told it looked “ghost-like” and was contemplating whether or not to use the front or back of the model but I realised that young Sudanese women have a voice so the subject of my project is no longer Alaa Saleh.
Choice of colour – Recently, the Sudanese Revolution was a major shift of political power in Sudan that started with street protests throughout Sudan on 19 December 2018 and until late 2019. People on social media were turning their profile pictures blue to stand in solidarity with Sudan and bring awareness to the uprising.
I was suggested the idea to animate the figure as though she was walking but as you can see in the GIF it’s very awkward and the fabric was not flowing.
I experimented with Unity, since we did a workshop that showed how Unity could not only be used as a game engine.